The Power of Non-Negative Matrix Factorization: How it Works and What It Can Do

7 min readMar 13, 2023

Do you ever wonder how Netflix recommends movies and shows that perfectly match your taste? Or how Amazon suggests the products you are most likely to buy?

The secret lies in Non-Negative Matrix Factorization, a powerful mathematical technique used by data scientists and machine learning experts to extract meaningful patterns from complex datasets. This week, we will explore the workings of this algorithm and discover its incredible potential in solving real-world problems across multiple industries. Get ready to be amazed!

Introduction to Non-negative Matrix Factorization (NMF)

NMF has a wide range of applications, from topic modeling in text data to image processing and facial recognition. NMF is also used in recommender systems and collaborative filtering.

NMF is a statistical technique that can be used to decompose a matrix into two smaller matrices. The first matrix consists of the non-negative values of the original matrix, and the second matrix consists of the negative values of the original matrix. NMF is typically used to find patterns in data, such as grouping customers by their purchasing habits. However, it can also be used to reconstruct an approximate version of the original matrix…




Self-motivated Developer — Specialising in NLP & NLU. Talks about Machine Learning, AI, Deep Learning